Alom Shaha: The Science We forgot from School – Humanists UK (ONLINE)
Price: FREE Faith to Faithless is excited to announce an online
Ukraine, one year later… (ONLINE)
Price: FREE Join CODEPINK Congress and special guests to discuss
Why and How to End the War in Ukraine (ONLINE)
Price: FREE Come along on Wednesday, February 15th, 2023 at
Russia-Ukraine Dialogues: the War’s intimate Connection to Belarus | LSE IDEAS (ONLINE)
Price: FREE This week’s panel of LSE IDEAS’ Russia-Ukraine Dialogues will
The US-Japan Alliance and Taiwan – YCAPS (ONLINE)
Price: FREE Dr. Sheila Smith, the Senior Fellow for Japan
What is a Citizens’ Assembly? – XR (ONLINE)
Price: FREE Extinction Rebellion has three demands, but the Third
Feminism in Japan (ONLINE)
Price: FREE Join us as we learn about the history
Social Media Workshop – XR (ONLINE)
Price: FREE Are you in charge of your local group's
‘Til Kingdom Come – Film Discussion (ONLINE)
Price: FREE Millions of American Evangelicals are praying for the
No more Detention Centres: Resisting the expansion of the detention Estate (ONLINE)
Price: FREE (£5 suggested donation) Join us to learn about
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