WTAF 5: The World Economic Forum and the Great Reset

Date: November 27, 2022
Time: 14:00 - 16:00

Price: FREE (small contribution towards venue hire)

More and more people are talking about "the Great Reset". For years, it's been a slogan used by many world leaders, tech billionaires like Bill Gates, and even our new King, Charles III and Prince William. Closely associated with it is another term we hear often, the notion that we must 'Build Back Better' from the increasing number of crises and disasters that seem to be going on in the world.

In the last three years, we've lived through the pandemic/lockdowns, Russia's "special military operation," the weaponisation of the "climate emergency" and more recently, spiralling inflation likely caused by some or all of these events. The question of whether these events and their consequences are co-incidental or intentional/orchestrated is hard to avoid.

In the UK, we've had 3 prime ministers in the last three months. Many are saying that Rishi Sunak is the WEF (World Economic Forum) choice for PM and the downfalls of Boris Johnson/Liz Truss were orchestrated in order to get their man into No. 10 and to smooth the way for the Great Reset.

At "WTAF is going on?" we love a conspiracy theory. We particularly liked them when they were entertaining diversions about past events: like whether JFKs assassination was an inside job, or that Neil Armstrong didn't really walk on the moon. There was a time when conspiracy theories could, for the most part, be fairly comfortably dismissed.
But now, many conspiracy theories seem to be coming true with alarming regularity and they're drastically affecting our health (both physical and mental), our wealth, and possibly worse, our very freedom to act, to move, to speak, to protest and by extension, to even think.

What is definitely not 'just' a conspiracy theory is that the 'Great Reset', as an agenda, exists, and that some significantly powerful people are bought into it. (You can even buy the book on Amazon by the guy who came up with the idea.!)

In 2020, Klaus Schwab, chairman of the WEF (World Economic Forum) said "in the future, you will own nothing and be happy". He's also bragged that the WEF has penetrated cabinets in Canada, Australia, Argentina, the UK and beyond. What does this mean for the future of representative democracies around the world? Will we soon have a form of global government?

So, in this Meetup, we will attempt to examine the WEF, the Great Reset and what they mean for our future.

We also invite you to come along with your conspiracy theories that relate to this topic - for example the apparent plan to have a cashless society, individual carbon credit allowance or a Chinese style social credit system. One popular theory says that "the elites" want to drastically reduce the global population to just 10% of it's current level. Another says that white people are gradually being replaced in western countries. Yet another says that if Bill Gates has his way, meat be all but outlawed and we'll all be eating 3D printed synthetic protein burgers and bugs. Obviously not all theories are equally credible, but it's increasingly hard to tell. So don't worry if you think your pet theory's a bit wacky, after the last three years we can't rule anything out completely.

We want to focus on how our democracy and freedoms appears to be under attack, who is behind it and what their end game might be.

We aren't claiming to have definitive proof of any of this, but maybe collectively we can join the dots and get a clearer picture. If 2 hours isn't enough, there's always the option of doing a part 2!

As always, all views welcome, including "there is no conspiracy, the global chaos is just down to the incompetence of our leaders."

About "What the Actual F**k is Going On? (WTAF)"

No matter what your politician persuasion is, something everyone can probably agree on is that we  live in uncertain and confusing times. Crisis after crisis seems to sweep through the world, and for sceptical people it is difficult to be sure about what the true reality is behind certain events and issues that are reported in the mainstream media. One thing that is certain is that, during recent events which have received heavy media coverage, there is usually a kind a prevailing, conventional narrative which it is difficult and often dangerous to challenge. But a lot of us, over the last few years, have had a painful awakening into the realisation that there is often a distance between the real truth of the matter and how the media, or government/authority, reports it to the public. During the COVID outbreak, for example, it has seemed to a lot of us that the distance between the facts of the matter and the ‘truth’ portrayed by the media has been vast. And that, crucially, that distance from the truth has been utilised by people with power and money to gain for themselves even more power and money.

In today’s world, surrounded by chaos and bombarded with rolling news coverage, have you often found yourself thinking : “What the actual f*ck is going on?” Or “What are the actual facts?” In that case, this group is for you! The purpose of this group, which has grown out of a group called “Thinking through COVID-19”, will be to hold open, rational and sceptical discussion/debate about current issues, topics and events, especially those that receive heavy media coverage. With the purpose of establishing what the F is going on, and what the actual facts are, this group will be a chance to discuss events, issues and crises within the world unfiltered by the distorting lens of mainstream media. It will also be a chance to:

•        Question mainstream narratives and challenge the conventional view, as we have done with COVID-19
•        Openly discuss alternative interpretations or counter-narratives and, yes, sometimes even conspiracy theories!
•        Be sceptical, suspicious, worried (and perhaps even controversial), out loud, in public and without fear of censure
•        Meet like-minded people

The plan will be to have a monthly topic of discussion, so that each meeting will ask “What the actual F is going on with/about… XX”.  Given that the organiser would rather not be always projecting his own interests onto the rest of the group, I am openly requesting that you post potential topics of discussion on this group’s message board. Please tell me what you want me to discuss, if there’s something going on that’s bothering you, let me know, and I may just make it the next topic of discussion!

**As a disclaimer, the organiser of this group is not suggesting that he himself knows what the F is going on, or what the facts are, and will never claim that he does. But the organiser of this group has also learned, over the past few years, that there is a real hunger and appetite for sceptical discussion of conventional narratives, without fear of cancellation or censure.

**This group will meet at least once a month, in person, at the Britons Protection Pub in Manchester. See previous meet-ups for directions and instructions on how to find us.

Places are LIMITED. RSVP HERE: https://www.meetup.com/what-are-the-facts/events/289504122/ 

* The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by various event participants, speakers and organisers and shared on this website are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of istandbyyou.org.uk.
* To avoid disappointment, please always follow the source event link to check for latest event updates (e.g.: date, time, program updates, etc) before heading to the event (the information provided in the calendar is a copy of the event and might not be updated promptly enough to reflect current event's status).

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GoogleMaps Link: https://goo.gl/maps/dEDB4CKMbSbmzJ1E6